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Carol Douglas

Carol is a multi-talented, internationally known polymer, ceramics and metal clay artist. Following a successful career as an art teacher, Carol delved into her own creative devices to phenomenal acclaim. Although she primarily works in silver clay, she also creates pieces in mixed media, including bronze, copper, steel, gold, ceramics, glass, porcelain, and lamp work. In large part her success in both art and life is due to her childlike approach in the studio. She continues to teach workshops in polymer and metal clay to both novices and experts in the field all across the world.


​Carol uses myth, legend and folklore to inspire her sculptures. She lives in the New Forest in England where the sea meets the land and a magical environment is created to develop her fantasy and lifelike creatures.


She has won several prestigious awards for sculpting in metals during past British Silver Weeks. She has been presented prizes at The Goldsmiths Hall in London, The Pangolin Gallery in London and Earls Court at the International Jewellery London Event. She has over thirty years teaching experience and has a B.Ed. degree in Art with credits in Ceramics, a Dip.Ed. in General Art Studies and an Ma.Ed. in Creativity. 

Some of Carol's work

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